Our Anniversary Month Begins!!
Since you'll be out and about anyway, wear your, "I Voted" Sticker in to Bella Kitchen and receive a free gift. Our thanks for your participation in our democratic society and for shopping locally!
Our Suppliers have joined in our celebration by donating to our cause.
In the spirit of Transparency, any donors to Bella's Anniversary Proposition will be available to the public. This rug was donated by Mad Mats, a division of Mariachi Imports. You can win it by coming to Bella Kitchen and dropping your name. Into a bucket. Drawings to be held each Saturday in November. You could be the lucky winner!! The odds of winning at Bella Kitchen are
102,000,038 times better than winning the lottery.
A Free Cooking Demonstration
with Billy & Pegan Cook
These very nice and super talented people will drive all the way from Twin Falls to show us the magic of getting pot roast on the table in one hour. Not just any pot roast...
The Best Pot Roast Ever
and, as an extra
Black Bean Soup!
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